Thursday, May 26, 2016

When was the last time???

Isn’t it funny that when someone asks us, What’s new? We have a standard reply. Nothing.

That means every new day of our lives we do same things, but if we look back we suddenly realized a lot is changed. Even though we thought we did nothing new, but looking back some months, years we can see a vast change.

Yesterday, while browsing through my timeline I realized things I used to do as daily routine are no longer in my today’s list.
I asked myself, when was the last time…?

When was the last time I blogged daily?
When was the last time I read an actual book?
When was the last time I called up my friends just to say HI?
When was the last time I hugged my mom & slept with my head in her lap?
When was the last time I played with the wrinkles in my granny’s hand?
When was the last time my wife & I just looked at each other for a long time with a smile?
When was the last time I helped someone whom I shall never meet or would never have any contact?
When was the last time I planted a tree?
When was the last time I played cricket with my friends in the streets?
When was the last time I sang a song from my mouth instead of humming it in my head?
When was the last time I partied till I drop?
When was the last time I played with a dog?
When was the last time I cried all my emotions & frustrations out?
When was the last time I sorted a grudge with a friend who was once closest to me?
When was the last time I walked in the rain holding hands?
When was the last time I made a baby laugh?
When was the last time I made a sand castle?
When was the last time I made clay models?
When was the last time I drank like a fish?
When was the last time I had no inhibitions to say or do things?
When was the last time I saw people actually loving each other & not shouting it on FB?
When was the last time I laughed my heart out?

When was the last time I was happy?

1 comment:

Janhvi said...

Killer ending. Bloody hell how did I not see that coming!