Friday, April 06, 2007

Afraid of FEAR

As a baby

Fear was none... ... maybe crying when I'm hungry or wet or not cuddled or not sensing the familiar scent of my mom's bosom...

As a Child

Fear was the darkness that is the friend of monsters
Fear was the neighbor's dog that could bite me when I pass by to go to school
Fear was the time when I got home and nobody's there
Fear was losing my cat
Fear was the thought that I won't be in the honor rolls comes closing day.

As a Young Boy

Fear was being butt of all jokes
Fear was being sick
Fear was the night when I hear my baby sister's occassional gasps.
Fear was being caught looking at my seatmate's answers
Fear was having my best friend tell on me
Fear was my crush knowing I like her
Fear was the uncertainty of the future.

As a Grown Up

Fear are the what ifs that keeps plaguing my mind
Fear are the pressing responsibilities that seem impossible to carry
Fear is tiredness of spirit when I seem to have nothing more to give
Fear is being weighed and found out that I am lacking Fear is Fear itself.



Unknown said...

wuD: u call this a fear or a feelinG of InsecuritY ???

Janhvi said...

Interesting read!