Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I am; therefore I am...

I am not spiritual but I believe what goes around comes around. I have faith in karma our destiny is decided by our actions. I don't know whether there is anything called religion.

In fact, no one knows. Even the theories explaining the creation of universe don't prove the presence of any Higher Power, but neither do they eliminate the possibility. So, I don't waste my time thinking about its existence.

I don't have any faith in any religion. I think religion is a curse to mankind. The root cause of every problem in this world can be traced to religion. People fight in the name of God.
Every crime is committed in the name of protecting Him. But do we really need to protect God? Isn't He the one who will protect us?

I believe religion should never be thrust upon anybody. But, in an hypocritic society you are compelled to follow rituals. You are asked to visit temples which they say God is there only, or wear any lucky charms.

I don't even remember the last time I went to a temple. As a kid, I used to question a lot of things, but would never get the answers. Probably because of this I have become a religious person now.

Whenever I am anxious or depressed, I go for a long walk. That soothes my mind. Good workouts and long drives make me feel at peace with myself. For me such activities are better than rushing to a temple.

I guess people who don't want to take responsibility for their own lives do such things. One should always try and do good to others. That doesn't mean you lead a life like Mother Teresa, because not everyone is capable of doing that.

By doing good, I mean living a life without hurting others. Life as a journey has treated me very well all these years. Today I am a very satisfied and contented individual.

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